exam information

Useful Exam Information
Exam viewer
At IChO 2025, students will have a screen on their desk to view the question paper. This will be the case for both the theoretical exam and the practical exam.
In both exams, only the answer sheets will be printed.
The desk space will be sufficiently large to allow plenty of room for students to work during both exams. You may want to practice viewing the questions on a screen during your national selection exams and training, particularly for practical work, so that students are used to this arrangement.
We will provide a demo server in June 2025 for all the participating countries with the exact Exam viewer software intended to be used for the ICHO 2025.
In both exams, only the answer sheets will be printed.
The desk space will be sufficiently large to allow plenty of room for students to work during both exams. You may want to practice viewing the questions on a screen during your national selection exams and training, particularly for practical work, so that students are used to this arrangement.
We will provide a demo server in June 2025 for all the participating countries with the exact Exam viewer software intended to be used for the ICHO 2025.